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We are the Falken

Information about our organization in English language

The "Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands- Die Falken" (Socialist Youth of Germany - The Falcons) is a voluntary organization of children and young people. We arrange teamwork in the suburbs, camps and spare time activities, get-togethers and rock festivals, political seminars and other activities. Children and young people spend their spare time with us and conceive their own political ideas with one another.

Politics are an important aspect

Politics are an important aspect of the "Falken" and strongly influence our interests and demands. We oppose others trying to make up our mind for us, we detest intolerance as a policy which maltreats human rights. We are in favour of more democracy, social justice, equality and a substantial change in existing society. As an organization with a history of over 100 years, we have learned to take our interests in our own hands. We try to realize our thoughts, dreams and hopes for the future in our everyday lives today. More information in English you can get in the attachment. If you want to contact us ...just do it

SJD - Die Falken
Saarstraße 14
D - 12161 Berlin

phone: +49-30-261 030-0


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